Fundraiser - Bald & Beautiful 4.0
Name Zoe Lee Hui Hui 李慧慧 Joined Bald & Beautiful 4.0 Raised RM10,990.00 Target RM10,000.00 You're Here, You're Loved, You Are Light!!!! 我在,我爱,我是光!
Recent Donors
Teo Soo HwangRM250.002021-12-30 08:01:53
Vogue Inspired Professional StudioRM140.002021-12-28 20:36:17
Tan Chun HawRM500.002021-12-28 07:42:25
AnonymousRM100.002021-12-27 23:45:28
AnonymousRM500.002021-12-27 21:31:21
AnonymousRM50.00?2021-12-27 21:19:54
Yap Shu WuiRM200.002021-12-27 21:14:59
AnonymousRM50.002021-12-27 06:42:00
KH LeeRM500.002021-12-17 15:48:52
Tan Siang NeRM100.00挺你慧慧~2021-12-17 10:37:11
PK NgRM300.002021-12-16 20:42:36
高三文孝2021RM400.002021-12-08 22:19:37
MOK CHIUN SHYONGRM500.002021-12-06 21:00:19
6C Zhong 2021RM200.002021-12-06 07:17:47
Lee pik weiRM500.002021-12-05 15:19:19
王祚復RM300.002021-12-02 17:16:23
Mo AnnieRM200.00❤️2021-11-23 09:24:38
Yap Hean Ding ShengRM1000.00感恩老师2021-11-18 13:32:51
Yong Sun SunRM100.002021-11-18 09:46:01
Lee Pey YeanRM200.002021-11-16 14:42:17
AnonymousRM100.00Simply shine your light on the road ahead, and you are helping others to see their way out of darkness. Let's shine our light together.2021-11-15 22:25:57
Aw Yong Sow MeiRM200.002021-11-15 21:31:54
Lai Hong SaiRM1000.002021-11-15 20:54:05
Chong Kee YongRM200.002021-11-15 16:25:07
Low Chen LoongRM200.002021-11-15 16:15:17
SiaRM1000.002021-11-15 14:50:04
TAN SHEAU SIANGRM100.002021-11-15 12:52:54
Lim bee cheahRM100.002021-11-15 12:37:36
Chow Pei FoonRM100.00We are always with you !!!2021-11-15 11:28:21
Liang Soo LingRM100.002021-11-13 06:12:49
Seow Tong SeongRM100.002021-11-13 06:07:05
Tan Hui GeeRM100.002021-11-06 11:44:40
AnonymousRM100.002021-11-04 16:35:28
Lim Kean TatRM200.002021-11-04 13:27:46
Look Fuey LinRM200.002021-10-20 09:14:10
Hong Yu ShenRM200.002021-10-20 09:14:10
AnonymousRM200.002021-10-19 10:26:16
AnonymousRM100.00慧慧加油!2021-10-17 10:13:21
AnonymousRM100.00涵&恩:慧慧阿姨, 我们支持你?2021-10-16 23:33:02
AnonymousRM100.002021-10-16 20:36:47
LIM BOON HIANRM50.002021-10-16 20:14:30
AnonymousRM100.00一定会支持你的,慧慧 ♥️2021-10-16 19:16:45
AnonymousRM50.002021-10-15 14:14:41
Teo Siock PingRM100.002021-10-15 12:08:19
AnonymousRM50.00慧慧加油,你的勇气让我敬佩,我支持你!!2021-10-15 11:25:19
Gan Ruey JiaRM50.002021-10-15 11:13:19