Fundraiser - Bald & Beautiful 4.0
Name Axxu Hoi Joined Bald & Beautiful 4.0 Raised RM11,930.00 Target RM10,000.00 About me: YBAM Deputy President, Managing Director of Axial Design Architects S/BRecent Donors
LIM SAY WEIRM100.002021-12-23 13:01:53
Lee Xin ErRM100.002021-12-21 13:26:19
Lai MooiRM100.002021-12-08 17:04:59
Leong Lai FunRM100.002021-12-06 20:25:03
Mandy ChaiRM50.002021-12-06 20:23:12
Lau Ooi LengRM100.002021-12-06 20:20:01
lam chooi fongRM100.002021-12-06 20:12:21
Lai KwanRM100.002021-12-06 20:09:52
Soh Wei PingRM200.002021-12-06 15:26:19
Kk chaiRM50.002021-12-06 08:40:42
Lee Chun HanRM100.002021-12-05 21:12:30
Yuan Voon ChumRM10.002021-12-05 18:51:03
AnonymousRM10.002021-12-05 18:45:20
SOH WEE HIANRM50.002021-12-05 11:00:37
朱金娣RM100.002021-12-04 15:34:56
AnonymousRM500.002021-12-04 10:03:46
AnonymousRM10.002021-12-04 09:51:52
Wong Ah ChooRM200.002021-12-03 13:22:45
AnonymousRM200.002021-12-03 13:09:23
William ChanRM200.002021-12-01 22:00:37
Sim choon kitRM50.002021-11-30 20:04:39
黄阿奀RM100.002021-11-29 22:09:08
许锦富RM100.002021-11-29 22:06:26
梁丽芬RM100.002021-11-29 22:04:23
LIM SIN JIERM10.002021-11-28 20:45:05
AnonymousRM50.002021-11-27 23:25:49
AnonymousRM200.002021-11-27 12:38:51
Teh Siew TingRM100.002021-11-27 11:27:36
LIAU KOK LENGRM100.002021-11-27 11:18:11
Tan Xin HaoRM50.002021-11-27 10:18:12
Yap Yong TeckRM10.002021-11-27 10:13:51
Tan Shu EnRM50.002021-11-27 09:24:22
Yong Ing IngRM100.002021-11-22 09:04:37
AnonymousRM50.00Donation2021-11-21 17:08:26
SamadhiRM10.002021-11-21 16:44:59
MettaRM10.002021-11-21 16:42:48
林亮福RM100.002021-11-21 16:39:45
雪邦区佛教会RM200.002021-11-21 16:32:57
Fione KoayRM50.00_/|\_2021-11-18 23:46:19
LH ChuRM500.002021-11-15 15:37:39
AnonymousRM20.002021-11-14 23:26:08
AnonymousRM100.002021-11-14 11:45:07
SWEE HOO PHUI YOKERM50.002021-11-14 09:09:13
ng woi cheanRM100.002021-11-13 20:06:45
LEE AH TEONGRM50.002021-11-13 19:45:51
LEE LI MINRM50.002021-11-13 19:39:54
Shanny YapRM100.00Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu2021-11-13 15:33:47
AnonymousRM50.00With love and hope2021-11-13 15:22:54
AnonymousRM1000.002021-11-13 14:14:53
Lim Yee ZhingRM100.00Hope able to help more cancer sufferers out there!2021-11-13 14:14:03
ANDYRM50.002021-11-12 16:36:04
Ooi Ean PingRM100.002021-11-12 00:04:42
Yee Theen GeeRM100.00Jia you!2021-11-11 21:56:42
AnonymousRM100.002021-11-11 20:51:11
Lai chin weiRM500.002021-11-11 17:14:00
SENG TAK PINRM200.002021-11-11 14:20:30
AnonymousRM20.00Small contribution, wishing you achieve your goal and all the best.2021-11-11 13:12:35
Tan Kwee WaRM200.002021-11-10 21:04:19
Ester LeeRM300.002021-11-10 21:01:26
陈政发RM200.002021-11-10 20:58:21
Lee Wai KongRM200.002021-11-10 19:00:54
HOI JUNG YHEERM50.002021-11-10 18:48:12
wei ping wongRM200.002021-11-10 17:37:31
AnonymousRM100.002021-11-10 17:10:56
Kok Jun SernRM50.002021-11-10 15:37:31
Koh chon onnRM50.002021-11-10 14:38:24
姑姑RM200.002021-11-10 14:29:12
Tuen Yee MunRM100.00Jia you!2021-11-10 14:28:48
Leong Lai ChunRM500.002021-11-10 14:18:32
UNCLE 11RM200.002021-11-10 14:11:11
TANG LOON KHOONRM500.002021-11-10 13:42:24
LIM CHIEW HUEYRM50.002021-11-10 12:52:20
TEH XIANG WEIRM100.00hope that you hit the target. sadhu sadhu sadhu2021-11-10 12:45:23
Cheng Chee HongRM50.00Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha Blessings.2021-11-10 11:11:39
AnonymousRM50.00Endless blessings from the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.2021-11-10 11:05:33
GOH KAM MENGRM100.002021-11-10 10:26:27
TAN YEN TINGRM50.00YOU ARE NOT ALONE❤️2021-11-10 10:23:19
Andy LowRM250.00Let's us support Axxu Ho for his good cause.2021-11-10 10:21:42
Woo Mun HonRM200.002021-11-10 10:01:54
AnonymousRM200.002021-11-10 09:26:52
Haus StudioRM100.002021-11-10 09:24:44
890213075039RM50.002021-11-10 09:23:16
Chew Muan ChaiRM50.002021-11-10 09:19:46
Leong Mee khiengRM200.002021-11-10 09:14:56
YEONG HING YANGRM100.002021-11-10 09:14:06
Ng Hui ChenRM20.002021-11-10 09:06:31
Choo poo LiangRM100.002021-11-10 08:59:16
Lim Kean BoonRM200.002021-11-10 08:58:00
AnonymousRM100.002021-11-10 08:45:31
820723085057RM100.00thanks for the donation, may you free from suffering and keep happy always, with Metta2021-11-07 21:09:53