Fundraiser - Bald & Beautiful 4.0
Name Lixuan Joined Bald & Beautiful 4.0 Raised RM10,018.00 Target RM10,000.00 勿以善小而不为。随喜感谢 'No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.' Thank you for the support.
Recent Donors
AnonymousRM900.002021-12-31 11:10:57
AnonymousRM500.002021-12-21 16:12:07
AnonymousRM200.002021-12-18 16:22:25
AnonymousRM100.002021-12-18 11:16:45
AnonymousRM100.00Get well soon ????2021-12-18 10:44:37
XIN YURM10.002021-12-16 03:13:30
CHEN LIANGRM10.002021-12-16 03:10:28
CHEN HAORM10.002021-12-16 03:06:09
MC NeeRM25.002021-12-16 03:03:40
ALVIN LIM CGRM10.002021-12-16 02:59:13
Chong chui meiRM100.002021-12-15 22:25:59
Yap Ai ChingRM100.002021-12-14 13:50:06
Yap Ai YingRM300.002021-12-14 13:48:47
Yap Ai MinRM100.002021-12-14 13:43:10
Tan Chew PengRM50.002021-12-10 20:10:09
Lim Man RouRM200.002021-12-10 17:57:01
Zachary Lim Xuan YongRM200.00Great role model!2021-12-10 17:52:04
AnonymousRM888.002021-12-09 15:57:41
A Y OngRM200.00Keep it up!2021-12-08 22:20:24
AnonymousRM200.002021-12-08 16:10:04
Robert ChildsRM100.00Massive respect innit. Love Rob, Katie and Gerald xx2021-12-07 21:23:49
Louise LimRM200.00加油老师!2021-12-07 19:13:55
AnonymousRM50.002021-12-07 15:52:07
Lum Khay XianRM50.002021-12-06 14:14:35
AnonymousRM150.00Get well soon!2021-12-06 09:57:41
Yee Kar JuenRM50.002021-12-06 07:58:05
Joanne WongRM200.002021-12-06 03:50:48
FONG YEE CHINRM50.002021-12-05 22:18:32
Tham sek tengRM100.00Jiayou?2021-12-05 17:55:22
AnonymousRM365.00Support ????2021-12-05 17:30:13
AnonymousRM200.00Gayao!2021-12-05 16:56:03
Chan Yong KuenRM100.002021-12-05 16:41:06
Lee Pey YeeRM200.00Gayou! Gayou!2021-12-05 16:36:51
Chang chee minRM100.002021-12-05 16:15:25
AnonymousRM100.002021-12-05 12:37:37
Diong Hui ChingRM100.00Xiao Xuan Zi, go go go!2021-12-05 06:40:30
Choong Lai YoongRM200.002021-12-03 19:31:44
AnonymousRM100.002021-12-03 11:53:57
AnonymousRM100.002021-12-03 11:01:11
AnonymousRM2000.002021-12-03 08:11:47
AnonymousRM200.00Keep up the awesome work ❤️2021-12-03 01:06:28
AnonymousRM200.002021-12-02 22:31:08
AnonymousRM500.002021-12-02 22:30:22
AnonymousRM200.00醒觉运动,值得支持?2021-12-02 22:19:05
AnonymousRM200.00加油!爱你哦2021-12-02 22:11:17